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Mouthwashing sets the scene aboard a doomed cargo spacecraft, where the crew faces a bleak future after a catastrophic crash. As the story unfolds, players discover that the revered Captain Kerli, who once led the crew with distinction, has seemingly doomed everyone by deciding that they should perish with him. However, some crew members lack even the means to end their suffering gracefully. Captain Kerli, now maimed and mute, survives against the odds, entirely at the mercy of the crew he sentenced to a slow demise. This horror game thrusts players into a survival scenario where every decision influences the fragile fabric of the remaining crew’s sanity and survival.

Mouthwashing sets the scene aboard a doomed cargo spacecraft, where the crew faces a bleak future after a catastrophic crash. As the story unfolds, players discover that the revered Captain Kerli, who once led the crew with distinction, has seemingly doomed everyone by deciding that they should perish with him. However, some crew members lack even the means to end their suffering gracefully. Captain Kerli, now maimed and mute, survives against the odds, entirely at the mercy of the crew he sentenced to a slow demise. This horror game thrusts players into a survival scenario where every decision influences the fragile fabric of the remaining crew’s sanity and survival.

Descent into Madness

As the narrative deepens, players witness the crew grappling with the dual specters of isolation and starvation. Interaction was never your strength, yet in Mouthwashing, it becomes essential to navigating the complex web of relationships and alliances that form as resources dwindle. The game’s first-person perspective intensifies the feeling of claustrophobia and paranoia as the crew members turn on each other, making every conversation a potential lifeline or a perilous confrontation.

Hopeless Odds

With the ship’s systems slated to fail within six months and provisions likely to run out much sooner, the atmosphere aboard the spacecraft grows increasingly tense. Players must manage scarce resources, repair critical systems, and make life-and-death decisions that will affect their own fate and that of the entire crew. The stark reality of their situation is a constant companion, pushing players to the limits of their ingenuity and will to survive.

In the haunting corridors of the spacecraft, not everything is as it seems. Auditory and visual hallucinations plague the crew, blurring the line between reality and madness. Players must learn not to trust their senses as they navigate through psychological twists and turns designed to disorient and terrify.

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